Article Listing

  • A Marxist perspective on religion today

    A Marxist perspective on religion today

    May 6, 2005 By Tim Yeager

    Among the “wedge” issues with which the ultra-right attempts to divide the working class are the questions of (1) rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, including marriage or civil unions, access to benefits and...

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  • Letters


    May 6, 2005

    New dangers for Social Security We are entering a new phase in the fight to protect Social Security. Up to now, we have focused on opposing the administration’s plans to privatize Social Security. The national movement...

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  • EDITORIAL: Scapegoats for Bush

    EDITORIAL: Scapegoats for Bush

    May 6, 2005

    For two years, decent people have agonized over the photo of Iraqi prisoners piled naked in an interrogation room at Abu Ghraib prison, leering American soldiers posing beside them. Another shows an American soldier leading a...

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  • EDITORIAL: Two anniversaries

    EDITORIAL: Two anniversaries

    May 6, 2005

    On May 8 and 9, 1945, the world celebrated the victory in Europe of the Allies — the U.S., Britain and the USSR — over the forces of Hitler fascism that first destroyed democracy in Germany...

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  • Hiroshima mayor calls for nuclear weapons ban

    Hiroshima mayor calls for nuclear weapons ban

    May 6, 2005

    CHICAGO — Tadatoshi Akiba, mayor of Hiroshima, Japan, and president of Mayors for Peace, addressed a standing room crowd of over 350 at DePaul University here April 27. Akiba is touring the U.S. as part of...

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