Article Listing

  • Voices from the peace march

    Voices from the peace march

    May 6, 2005

    “It’s time to stop nuclear weapons. I have been in the U.S. three times before on the same mission — to stop an evil weapon. This is my own personal opinion and not that of any...

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  • Obesity  no time, money for nutritious meals

    Obesity no time, money for nutritious meals

    May 6, 2005

    I can still see my mother walking up Palmetto Street, shopping bags in hand. Fresh green leafy things peaking out and over the sides. Rain or shine, this was her daily routine. After her day’s work...

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  • The dismal failure of market-based health care

    The dismal failure of market-based health care

    May 6, 2005

    People’s Health During the past two decades, health care in the United States has undergone a radical transformation — for the worse. Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele examine this change in their critical study...

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  • Flight attendants threaten CHAOS

    Flight attendants threaten CHAOS

    May 6, 2005

    Flight attendants at United Airlines aren’t up in the air about how they’ll respond to looming pension cuts. They have put in place a strategic strike strategy as a showdown with the airline approaches. United management...

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  • Oklahoma picketers talk about patriotism

    Oklahoma picketers talk about patriotism

    May 6, 2005

    Worker’s Correspondence NORMAN, Okla. — Driving down Main Street on my lunch break, I passed a lively group of union picketers in front of the Nissan dealership here. I had a little time before I had...

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