Article Listing

  • Black trade unionists gear up for convention

    Black trade unionists gear up for convention

    May 6, 2005

    When hundreds of Black trade unionists converge on Phoenix for the 34th International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists May 25-30, the many-sided attacks on the Black community and on labor will be the...

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  • Latin American unionists tell their stories

    Latin American unionists tell their stories

    May 6, 2005

    NEW YORK — Ricardo Monge, head of the health care workers union in El Salvador, described struggles against privatization of health and medical facilities in his country. Claudia Lopez from Bolivia’s Union of Factory Workers told...

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  • Calif. gov stirs up hornets nest over Minutemen comment

    Calif. gov stirs up hornets nest over Minutemen comment

    May 6, 2005

    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is learning the hard way that trying to deflect political difficulties by using immigrants as a scapegoat will only get him in deeper trouble. Beset by falling poll numbers and forced to postpone...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    May 6, 2005

    HONOLULU: Sit-in to halt war research Students and community residents continue to occupy Bachman Hall, the administrative building, protesting the University of Hawaii Board of Regents’ decision to open college doors to military research by University...

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  • LA mayors race: Hahn moves to the right

    LA mayors race: Hahn moves to the right

    May 6, 2005

    Antonio Villaraigosa’s campaign to become Los Angeles’ first Latino mayor in 133 years is picking up steam. Now the incumbent, Mayor James Hahn, is trying to appeal to Republican voters by attacking his Mexican American opponent’s...

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