Article Listing

  • May Day lives!: CPUSA hosts May 1 reception

    May Day lives!: CPUSA hosts May 1 reception

    May 6, 2005

    NEW YORK — The Communist Party USA hosted a reception celebrating May Day at its national headquarters here following the successful peace rally in Central Park. The event was a stirring end to a long day...

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  • Bush means test would wreck Social Security

    Bush means test would wreck Social Security

    May 6, 2005

    WASHINGTON — Defenders of Social Security charged this week that a “means test” on Social Security as proposed by President George W. Bush would inflict huge benefit cuts for 70 percent of recipients, clearing the way...

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  • 40,000 march to abolish nuclear weapons

    40,000 march to abolish nuclear weapons

    May 6, 2005

    Protest calls for end to U.S. occupation of Iraq NEW YORK — On May 1, the eve of a world meeting at the United Nations to review the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), tens of thousands of...

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  • College student expelled for organizing pro-labor teach in

    College student expelled for organizing pro-labor teach in

    May 5, 2005

    After attempting to organize a teach-in for University faculty and staff focusing on the school’s poor working conditions, Robert Patillo, a student at Clark Atlanta University, was thrown out of school. The forum was to be...

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  • Right wing schemes to block changes in Mexico

    Right wing schemes to block changes in Mexico

    April 29, 2005

    News Analysis Conservative forces in Mexico, alarmed by the electoral successes of left-wing movements in South America, are showing signs of mobilizing to prevent similar developments in that country. Mexico appears to be poised for a...

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