Article Listing

  • Family tragedy as a Great Political Issue

    Family tragedy as a Great Political Issue

    April 1, 2005 By Annie Fox

    Two weeks ago, few outside Florida had heard of Terri Schiavo. As of this writing, her family has run out of court appeals and legislative efforts to reconnect her feeding tube. This is probably not the...

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  • Reproductive rights struggle in Missouri

    Reproductive rights struggle in Missouri

    April 1, 2005

    JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Nearly 500 members of Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri, the National Organization for Women and the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice converged here March 15 to pressure Republican Gov. Matt Blunt and...

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  • Investment tip  drink heavily and recycle

    Investment tip drink heavily and recycle

    April 1, 2005

    Labor editor’s note: A while back, cost-cutting employers began promoting stock market-based 401(k) plans as an alternative to pensions with defined benefits. Many of these 401(k) plans took a bath when the stock market dipped, so...

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  • Why are gasoline prices high?

    Why are gasoline prices high?

    April 1, 2005

    As gas prices in the U.S. shoot up to record levels, the official explanation is that there is a supply and demand imbalance. Limits on production by oil-producing countries and growing petroleum usage by developing nations...

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  • Pakistanis protest Rice visit

    Pakistanis protest Rice visit

    April 1, 2005 By Associated Press

    Supporters of Pakistan’s Labour Party protest near the U.S. consulate in Lahore, March 17, to condemn the visit of the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

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