Article Listing



    April 1, 2005

    Britain: Rail union calls for public ownership Returning Britain’s railways to public ownership will save taxpayers at least $935 million a year, according to a report issued this month by the Catalyst research organization. The RMT...

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  • Haiti elections set to exclude key opponents

    Haiti elections set to exclude key opponents

    April 1, 2005

    Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) recently announced that elections will take place later this year. Up for grabs will be local and regional posts in October and the presidency and legislative seats in November. One hundred...

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  • Joint appeal for a just peace in Mideast

    Joint appeal for a just peace in Mideast

    April 1, 2005

    The Communist parties of Israel and Jordan and the Palestinian People’s Party met March 13 in Amman, Jordan, to discuss a coordinated approach to U.S. imperialism and its strategy of “war, occupation, the theft of national...

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  • Brazil rejects Rumsfelds criticisms of Venezuela

    Brazil rejects Rumsfelds criticisms of Venezuela

    April 1, 2005

    Shortly after statements by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld questioning Venezuela’s recent weapons purchase, Brazil’s ruling Workers Party (PT) issued a statement in defense of Venezuela, asserting that Latin America is no longer an extension of the...

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  • Parties cite dangers from U.S. policy toward Iran

    Parties cite dangers from U.S. policy toward Iran

    April 1, 2005

    A statement initiated by the Tudeh Party of Iran and joined by 62 left, Communist and workers parties around the world warns that U.S. policy toward Iran is part of Washington’s drive to control the Middle...

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