Article Listing

  • North Korea blames U.S. threat for nukes

    North Korea blames U.S. threat for nukes

    February 18, 2005

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, or North Korea) declared Feb. 10 that it has built an arsenal of nuclear weapons. It also announced its intention to pull out of the six-party talks aimed at...

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  • California town hall meetings

    California town hall meetings

    February 18, 2005

    Town hall meetings on Social Security will place throughout California in March and April. RSVP to reserve a seat and lunch. For more information, phone California Alliance of Retired Americans at (760) 554-2356 (south) or (415)...

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  • REAL ID Act is a real threat

    REAL ID Act is a real threat

    February 18, 2005

    NewsAnalysis The REAL ID Act, HR 418, is not only a threat to undocumented immigrants and refugees, but also to the U.S. Constitution. Introduced Jan. 26 and rammed through the House of Representatives last week, the...

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  • Schwarzenegger STRS up a hornets nest

    Schwarzenegger STRS up a hornets nest

    February 18, 2005

    Four big squares marked “vacant” sat alongside photos of remaining board members on the California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) web site this week. It seems the squares’ former occupants (two Republicans and two Democrats) had...

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    February 18, 2005

    ST. PAUL, Minn.: Young workers say ‘Hands off Social Security’ Young workers from this university community jammed to overflowing the 150-seat room at the Episcopal Homes for a Feb. 12 forum on Social Security. With Congress...

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