Article Listing

  • Hip Hop community joins protest of radio racism

    Hip Hop community joins protest of radio racism

    February 18, 2005

    NEW YORK — Protesters were on the street outside the office of Hot 97 here Feb. 14, the second day back on the job for suspended morning show deejays. The “Miss Jones in the Morning” crew...

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  • Only a mass movement can end lraq occupation

    Only a mass movement can end lraq occupation

    February 18, 2005 By Susan Webb

    While an Islamic Shiite coalition won a slim majority in the Jan. 30 elections in Iraq, the results indicate that no single group can control the country’s political process.

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  • Valentines Day picket line: No sweetheart deals

    Valentines Day picket line: No sweetheart deals

    February 18, 2005

    CHICAGO — A new campaign to build opposition in Illinois to President Bush’s Social Security privatization scheme kicked off here Feb. 14 with a picket line at the Charles Schwab Corp. Illinoisans to Protect Social Security...

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  • Keystone State rallies for mass transit

    Keystone State rallies for mass transit

    February 18, 2005

    HARRISBURG, Pa. — Gray skies and cold driving rain didn’t keep more than 2,000 Pennsylvanians from rallying for permanent mass transit funding in front of the state Capitol here Feb. 14. Demonstrators from all parts of...

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  • Tyner to speak on fight for equality

    Tyner to speak on fight for equality

    February 18, 2005

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Jarvis Tyner, executive vice chair of the Communist Party USA and a founder of the Black Radical Congress, will keynote the People’s Weekly World 31st Annual African American History Month celebration in...

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