Article Listing

  • How much do you know about Oscar?

    How much do you know about Oscar?

    February 11, 2005

    When the first Academy Awards were handed out on May 16, 1929, movies had just begun to talk. That first ceremony took place during a banquet held at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. The attendance was 250...

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  • Is Buster the rabbit bad for kids?

    Is Buster the rabbit bad for kids?

    February 11, 2005

    OPINION On only her second day at work Margaret Spellings, Rod Paige’s replacement as U.S. Education Secretary, made her mark — she condemned PBS for producing a children’s television show that included two families headed by...

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  • Jim Crow hangs on in Alabama

    Jim Crow hangs on in Alabama

    February 11, 2005

    OPINION The biggest disappointment in the 2004 elections was the so-called victory of the Bush administration. Another disappointment for progressives was that ultra-right Republicans strengthened their control of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives....

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  • Death pitch should have outraged Black leaders

    Death pitch should have outraged Black leaders

    February 11, 2005

    OPINION Someone should have walked out of the room over this. When President George W. Bush cobbled together a handpicked group of Black religious and community leaders for a chat at the White House, he tried...

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  • Californians fighting privatization on two fronts

    Californians fighting privatization on two fronts

    February 11, 2005

    OPINION The Alliance of Retired Americans and its California affiliate CARA, along with the entire labor movement, are part of a broad and growing national coalition determined to uphold Social Security against the intense attack being...

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