Article Listing

  • Ohio newspaper strike enters 12th week

    Ohio newspaper strike enters 12th week

    February 11, 2005

    The Vindicator newspaper strike here in Youngstown continues into its 12th week. Workers on the picket line have grown hardy against the winter. Two unions walked at the beginning of this strike: 171 people from The...

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  • Another look at Reuther and pensions

    Another look at Reuther and pensions

    February 11, 2005

    Unions are rightly proud of the outstanding former leaders. The Mine Workers venerate John L. Lewis, Teamsters love Jimmy Hoffa, and the Auto Workers are outright devoted to the memory of Walter Reuther! Each of these...

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  • African Americans and Social Security

    African Americans and Social Security

    February 11, 2005 By Art Perlo

    Social Security plays an exceptionally important role in the economic life of African Americans: Social Security is the main source of retirement income for most elderly African Americans, and the only source for 40 percent.

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    February 11, 2005

    Israel/Palestine: Struggle continues over E. Jerusalem Last week Israeli Attorney General Menachem Mazuz ordered the Sharon government not to seize East Jerusalem property owned by Palestinians living in the West Bank. A measure approved last summer...

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  • Irish peace process at the crossroads

    Irish peace process at the crossroads

    February 11, 2005

    The failure in December to secure an agreement on reviving the Good Friday institutions and unsubstantiated police allegations of Irish Republican Army involvement in the $50 million Northern Bank heist have combined to place the Irish...

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