Article Listing

  • AFL-CIO gets down to nuts and bolts

    AFL-CIO gets down to nuts and bolts

    August 21, 2004

    CHICAGO — If America’s union members have anything to say about it, come Nov. 2 this country’s ship of state will be making a sharp course correction. And they’ll have plenty to say about it, judging...

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  • Peace groups vow to march

    Peace groups vow to march

    August 21, 2004

    NEW YORK — United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) is going ahead with mobilization for its Aug. 29 peaceful and legal march past Madison Square Garden, the site of the Republican Convention, organizers stressed Aug. 18....

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  • PWW’s new home being readied

    PWW’s new home being readied

    August 21, 2004

    Dear readers, Construction is under way at the new home of the People’s Weekly World editorial and production offices in Chicago, from where we hope to be reporting to you on Election Day. Since the PWW...

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  • Hugo Chavez wins in landslide

    Hugo Chavez wins in landslide

    August 21, 2004

    The people of Venezuela went to the polls in record-breaking numbers Aug. 15 and voted by a 58 percent majority against the recall of their president, Hugo Chávez. With several hundred thousand votes yet to be...

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  • Defeat Bush movement spurs mass voter sign-up

    Defeat Bush movement spurs mass voter sign-up

    August 21, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Leaders of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance had a busy day planned for Aug. 21.

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