Article Listing

  • Shifting political winds in Illinois  a nationwide trend?

    Shifting political winds in Illinois a nationwide trend?

    August 13, 2004

    The steady erosion of support for Bush’s ultra-right policies led the Kerry campaign earlier this summer to expand the list of potential “swing states” it believed to be competitive. Now there are indications that some congressional...

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  • How to win: a call of conscience

    How to win: a call of conscience

    August 13, 2004

    Twenty years ago, I stood before the Democratic Convention in San Francisco, a candidate for the presidency of the United States, to speak of the hopes and dreams of Americans who, lacking voice in their everyday...

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  • Letters


    August 13, 2004

    Unequal school funding In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court addressed only racial segregation, accepting the constitutionally obvious, that U.S. public education must be equal for all. And obviously, unequal funding cannot produce equal...

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  • Editorials


    August 13, 2004

    Bloody quagmire The June “handover of power” to an interim Iraqi government has not stopped the bloodshed. The count of U.S. soldiers killed in George W. Bush’s Iraq debacle is heading toward the 1,000 mark. Bush...

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  • Dump Bush movement says we can do it

    Dump Bush movement says we can do it

    August 13, 2004

    BOSTON — John Kerry and John Edwards left the Democratic National Con-vention July 29 to barnstorm across the country, buoyed by ringing calls both inside and outside the convention for George W. Bush’s defeat as a...

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