Article Listing

  • War on terrorism spreads to Philippines

    War on terrorism spreads to Philippines

    March 8, 2002

    The injection of U.S. combat troops into the Philippines, ostensibly to train the Philippine army in a minor conflict with a small rebel Muslim group, is meeting with broad opposition from Filipino people. They condemn it...

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  • Editorials


    March 8, 2002

    Saudi plan: A chance to end the killing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, known in Israel as the “Butcher of Lebanon,” has his own plan to bring “peace” to the West Bank and Gaza: – physically...

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  • Theres work at the retread shop

    Theres work at the retread shop

    March 8, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    Always one to follow Daddy’s example, George Bush the Appointed has given a host of Bush Sr. retreads a number of prominent posts in his administration.

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  • Minimum wage: Falling behind

    Minimum wage: Falling behind

    March 8, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    Congress last raised the minimum wage in 1997 when it established the current $5.15 per hour.

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  • Oregonians urge public takeover of Enron unit

    Oregonians urge public takeover of Enron unit

    March 8, 2002

    Ratepayers of Portland General Electric (PGE) are so fed up with the thievery by the utility’s parent company, Enron, they are demanding that the State of Oregon take over PGE and run it in the public...

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