Article Listing

  • St Louis celebrates Black History Month

    St Louis celebrates Black History Month

    March 8, 2002

    ST. LOUIS, Mo. – The Webster Community for Non-violent Social Action celebrated Black History Month with a forum titled, “Justice: Not Just in February.” The speakers included Traci Williams, secretary treasurer of Local 6355, Communication Workers...

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  • Retirees fight for health care

    Retirees fight for health care

    March 8, 2002 By Conn Hallinan

    PITTSBURGH – The ink was hardly dry on President Bush’s executive order imposing a 30 percent tariff on imported steel for three years, when the United Steel Workers of America (USWA) announce dit was launching a...

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  • Welfare reform: Where are we going?

    Welfare reform: Where are we going?

    March 8, 2002

    PHILADELPHIA, Pa. – The conference, “Welfare Reform: Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going?” brought 500 participants to Bryn Mawr College Feb. 28-March 1 to hear speakers form academia, advocacy groups and government and then...

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  • Dockers celebrate victory in new hall

    Dockers celebrate victory in new hall

    March 8, 2002

    CHARLESTON, S.C. – Dockworker Elijah Ford stood with his wife and children before his union brothers and sisters in the magnificent new International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) union hall here March 2. He is a quiet, modest...

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  • Helping your overweight child

    Helping your overweight child

    March 8, 2002 By Brenda Crawford-Clark

    According to recent government studies, an increasing number of children in this country, many of them quite young, are overweight.

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