Article Listing

  • What is Enron?

    What is Enron?

    February 1, 2002

    Q: What is Enron? A: Enron is the largest corporate bankruptcy in American history. Q: What was it before that? A: Not exactly sure. Q: No idea? A: Some folks say it was a farm boy...

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  • AFL-CIO celebra luchas Martin Luther King

    AFL-CIO celebra luchas Martin Luther King

    February 1, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    MIAMI – La reforma electoral, derechos del votante, educación para el electorado junto con inscribir votantes y mobilizarlos fueron los temas de prioridad para los casi 400 participantes en la celebración del natalicio de Martin Luther...

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  • Protests unable to stop state school takeover

    Protests unable to stop state school takeover

    February 1, 2002

    PHILADELPHIA – In spite of protest rallies, letters, petitions and lawsuits by coalitions of parents, students, schoolworkers and community groups, the state takeover of the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) is now a fact. The school...

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  • Texas labor endorses minority candidates

    Texas labor endorses minority candidates

    February 1, 2002

    AUSTIN – The Texas AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education (COPE) endorsed two minority and pro-affirmative action candidates for governor and Senate at its Jan. 15 convention here. For many delegates, the defining issues were previous political...

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  • Dangerous world demands racial unity

    Dangerous world demands racial unity

    February 1, 2002

    The offensive of the Bush administration has a broad sweep to it. Tens of millions – nearly every section of the people – are negatively affected in one way or another. This undeniable fact provides the...

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