Article Listing

  • Fla. leaders blast Enron ties

    Fla. leaders blast Enron ties

    February 1, 2002

    As news surfaced that 31 state and local pension funds lost a combined $1.5 billion in the collapse of Enron, Florida leaders angrily denounced the Bush administration for refusing to turn over documents about ties to...

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  • Remembering Carter G. Woodson

    Remembering Carter G. Woodson

    February 1, 2002 By Libero Della Piana

    Carter G. Woodson established Negro History Week in 1926 and chose to celebrate it the second week of February because it marks the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, two men who left an indelible...

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  • Peace march called for April 20

    Peace march called for April 20

    February 1, 2002

    The National Youth and Student Peace Coalition (NYSPC) has made a call for a massive march and demonstration in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, April 20. The call declares that “it’s time for all those who believe...

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  • Bush calls for wider war, is silent on Enron

    Bush calls for wider war, is silent on Enron

    February 1, 2002

    With unprecedented aggressiveness and arrogance George W. Bush warned in his first State of the Union message, Jan. 29, that his “war against terrorism is only beginning” and other nations including North Korea, Iran and Iraq...

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  • Last tango in Houston: Enron and Bush

    Last tango in Houston: Enron and Bush

    February 1, 2002

    Never before, not even during the depths of Teapot Dome and Watergate, has the stench of corporate money hung so heavy over Washington as it does today. The Enron scandal exposes in a new way the...

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