Article Listing

  • On the streets of Ramallah: one woman’s story

    On the streets of Ramallah: one woman’s story

    January 26, 2002

    RAMALLAH, Palestine – Since the assassination of Raid Karmi in Tull Karem four days ago I got that creeping feeling again – the one I get when it obvious that the already hellish situation here in...

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  • Celebrating King holiday

    Celebrating King holiday

    January 26, 2002

    Reports from King celebration events in Baltimore, Seattle and St. Louis.

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  • Letters


    January 26, 2002

    Free the Cuban five The recent political trial last year in Miami of five Cuban patriots resulted in a total breakdown in communication. Forty years of an inhuman criminal blockade has not destroyed the spirit of...

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  • Editorials


    January 26, 2002

    Time to fight, not run This session of Congress faces a multi-tiered crisis that includes George W. Bush’s “war on terrorism” and a declining economy, made worse by the collapse of Enron and the bankruptcy of...

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  • Vigil held for Muslim in Michigan

    Vigil held for Muslim in Michigan

    January 26, 2002

    ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Nearly 300 students, community activists, Muslim community members, and Christian church-goers attended a candlelight vigil outside the federal building here last month. Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Ad Hoc Committee for Peace...

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