Article Listing

  • What would honor 9/11 firefighters?

    What would honor 9/11 firefighters?

    January 26, 2002

    When the terrorist attack hit the World Trade Center on the 11th of September, rescue workers and ordinary people reached out to help their fellow human beings without regard to race, nationality, or economic standing. They...

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  • Military spending doesnt mean jobs

    Military spending doesnt mean jobs

    January 26, 2002

    When the cold war “ended” at the beginning of the 1990s, there was a slowdown in military spending. But the “defense transition policy,” which was intended to ease the plight of hundreds of thousands of permanently...

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  • Child labor in the shadows of World Cup

    Child labor in the shadows of World Cup

    January 26, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    NEW DELHI – With only five months left until the 2002 Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup kicks off in Japan and Korea, activists from around the world are putting increasing pressure on FIFA...

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  • Something you can do against bulldozers

    Something you can do against bulldozers

    January 26, 2002

    The Israeli peace organization Gush Shalom reports that it has obtained information that the bulldozers used in the widespread demolition of Palestinian homes in the Palestinian territories come from Caterpillar Corporation, based in Peoria, Illinois. Gush...

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  • U.S. pays for military, world picks up pieces

    U.S. pays for military, world picks up pieces

    January 26, 2002

    I heard Congressman Jim Colby (R-Ariz.) on National Public Radio (NPR) Jan. 18. He said it would cost $8 billion or so over the next 10 years to rebuild Afghanistan. (The new Afghan government puts it...

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