Article Listing

  • Parents fight hostile Phila. school takeover

    Parents fight hostile Phila. school takeover

    November 10, 2001

    PHILADELPHIA – Adhering to the Bush educational policies, Pennsylvania Acting Gov. Mark Schweiker and the state legislature intend to force privatization on the School District of Philadelphia. In August, Gov. Tom Ridge paid Edison Schools, Inc.,...

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  • School board puts workers out, goons in!

    School board puts workers out, goons in!

    November 10, 2001

    JEFFERSON, Ohio – Showing a united front of all non-teaching workers in the Jefferson School District, 125 members of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)/Ohio Association of Public School Employees Local 419 struck...

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  • Unemployment jumps

    Unemployment jumps

    November 10, 2001 By Fred Gaboury

    Although the Labor Department’s latest employment report, released Nov. 2, didn’t rattle the stock market, it did show that another 415,000 men and women lost their jobs in October, bringing the official count of the unemployed...

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  • Prisons and profits

    Prisons and profits

    November 10, 2001

    The U.S. criminal justice system has transformed into a vast, for-profit, industrial system. Police, lawyers, court staff, convicts and prison personnel make up a giant business complex that scoops up citizens and churns out convicts, generating...

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  • Ohio county workers walk

    Ohio county workers walk

    November 10, 2001

    WARREN, Ohio – A rally was held here Nov. 3 in support of 55 members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 3808 who went out on strike Oct. 22. The...

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