Article Listing

  • Republican right takes heavy hit in N.J. vote

    Republican right takes heavy hit in N.J. vote

    November 10, 2001

    The labor movement and its allies are celebrating the crushing defeat of Republican Bret Schundler and the victory of Democrat James E. McGreevey in New Jersey’s Nov. 6 gubernatorial election. The Republicans also lost majority control...

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  • World Editorial Board member wins election

    World Editorial Board member wins election

    November 10, 2001

    Denise Winebrenner-Edwards, People’s Weekly World editorial board member, won re-election to the City Council in the borough of Wilkensburg, Penn., right outside of Pittsburgh. Winebrenner-Edwards was first elected in 1997 with a slate opposed to the...

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  • City Council victories, mayoral defeat

    City Council victories, mayoral defeat

    November 10, 2001

    NEW YORK – While returns from the Nov. 6 election across the country show a setback for the GOP, Republican Michael Bloomberg became the 108th mayor here, defeating Democrat Mark Green by a slim 40,000 votes....

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  • Ohio workers fight

    Ohio workers fight

    November 10, 2001

    ASHTABULA, Ohio – For months Ohio’s public employees’ unions have been sounding the alarm over Governor Taft and the right-wing Republican Legislature cutting funding for government services. The full impact of these cuts is now being...

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  • Laundry workers gain support

    Laundry workers gain support

    November 10, 2001

    HIGHWOOD, Ill. – “Viva la huelga, viva la union,” chanted striking laundry workers, their families and supporters as they marched and rallied here Nov. 2. The 40 workers, all Mexican immigrants, have been on strike against...

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