Article Listing

  • Rally blasts Bush giveaways to rich

    Rally blasts Bush giveaways to rich

    November 22, 2001

    CHICAGO – Several hundred people, including many who were attending the national convention of USA Action, rallied in the State of Illinois Plaza here Sept. 14 to denounce the Bush administration’s giveaways to the rich and...

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  • NYC firefighters fight City Hall and win

    NYC firefighters fight City Hall and win

    November 22, 2001

    COMMENTARY NEW YORK – Amidst the burning rubble of the World Trade Center, firefighters continue to extinguish the two-month-old fires and search for the remains of thousands still buried there. Just as it should be. The...

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  • NYC homeless and hungry grows after 9/11

    NYC homeless and hungry grows after 9/11

    November 22, 2001

    NEW YORK – The number of homeless and hungry in New York City is increasing. The Coalition for the Homeless says the lack of affordable housing, the downturn in the economy and the Sept. 11 terrorist...

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  • Conyers challenges Bush on tribunals

    Conyers challenges Bush on tribunals

    November 22, 2001

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Conyers and other Members of Congress hold press conference to express concerns regarding the administration’s actions on Military Tribunals and Anti-terrorism. Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.), ranking member of the House Judiciary...

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  • Private airport security firms get the boot

    Private airport security firms get the boot

    November 22, 2001

    Privatization, the holy Grail of the ultra-right, has taken some heavy hits since the Sept. 11 terrorist attack and not just because the heroes were public employees – firefighters, emergency medical workers and the police. The...

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