Article Listing

  • Companies using war to deny workers needs

    Companies using war to deny workers needs

    November 1, 2001

    Many things have changed in the period since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the bombing of Afghanistan. It is not surprising that corporate America and conservative public officials have moved quickly to use the war...

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  • Colombian union leader killed

    Colombian union leader killed

    November 1, 2001

    Gustavo Soler, president of the El Paso section of the energy workers' union Sintramienergetica, has been murdered in Colombia. His death adds one more name to the long list of Colombians slain for defending workers' rights....

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  • Children bring cranes to peace park

    Children bring cranes to peace park

    November 1, 2001

    SEATTLE, Wash. - Sadako Peace Park is a small bit of open space near the University of Washington here. On October 12, it was the gathering point for students from the North Kitsap Options Program of...

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  • Berlin’s first big peace rally in years

    Berlin’s first big peace rally in years

    November 1, 2001

    BERLIN, Germany - Berlin's march for peace was a joyous moment in tragic times. The peace movement, languishing for years, enlisted all its energy and was rewarded by a turnout of over 50,000 people in Berlin...

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  • Anti-war marchers: Give peace a chance

    Anti-war marchers: Give peace a chance

    November 1, 2001

    HARTFORD, Conn. - Marching from the state capitol to the federal building here, 500 Connecticut students, union members and religious leaders took to the streets Oct. 13 to protest the Bush administration's unilateral military retaliation on...

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