BERLIN – The debt crisis in Greece is only a vehicle to exploit the resources of the Greek nation.
History is repeating itself: The same measures that initiated the crisis are being used today: tricks, blackmail and falsification for the benefit of a small circle of the leading political and economic class here in Germany and in Europe.
It was clear, for example, from the very beginning that Greece was not in a position to fulfill the criteria for joining the Eurozone. Nevertheless European ruling circles wanted access to their market and to get it, glossed over the Greek state budget.
In addition one can’t ignore the influence of Wall Street. During the whole recent discussion it was seldom mentioned that it was none other than Goldman Sachs that provided an economically irresponsible loan to the Greek government in order to allow them to fulfill the economic criteria for entering the Eurozone in the first place.
Of course then there are the Greek government partners who signed the deal for their own personal advantage. The first contracts after the loans were deals for new arms for Greece. No further comment is necessary.
It was obvious from the very beginning that the poor would have to shoulder the burden of such a policy.
It’s also not at all surprising that the former presidents, directors and high-ranking advisors of Goldman Sachs took over high governmental posts after Europe went into the crisis, among them Mario Monti as prime minister in Italy from 2011 to 2013, Antonis Samaras as prime minister in Greece from 2012 to 2015 and Mario Draghi as president of the European Central Bank (ECB) since 2011. Was that an accident? Hardly, since Goldman Sachs was the financial advisor of the Greek government, even earning $300,000,000 for this “job.”
After all the developments here in Germany, I’m prepared for even worse incidents in Europe. I think they are even ready for a war, even if in their eyes it’s the last measure to gain profit and to restore, if needed, power.
When it comes to today’s political developments these forces have once again shown their true face: They remain democratic only as long as it serves their goals.
Here I can only but agree with the wise words of the great Greek composer, Mikis Theodorakis, in 2012, where he denounced the European, especially the German, governing class for destroying the principles on which Europe should be founded.
Thus the treatment of the Greek government over the past weeks has laid bare for all to see the complete abandonment of these fundamental principles.
The disrespect shown to the Greek referendum and the wishes of the Greek people indicates that Europe is no longer a champion of democracy or human rights. On the contrary, Europe is in the hands of economic institutions which protect the interests of the rich at the expense of ordinary citizens and even member states.
Democracy gets betrayed and destroyed – and in this case against the very creators of democracy. It’s more than a scandal.
The European Union (EU) and its institutions, which function purely economically (since the political institutional framework is still missing), and are under German diktat, act with a narrow domestic political agenda at the expense of democracy, humanity, decency and even the best interests of ordinary European people.
Hopefully the treatment shown Greece will further increase the growing disillusionment among citizens across Europe. This cannot be the implementation of the European idea based on the implementation of the interests of big capital and the improvement of their class. Such a Europe cannot work.
And finally there is another major point to be made: The Greek tragedy proves that the conservatives and right-wing forces will never allow any left government to govern their country to the benefit of ordinary people. History has shown how they then behave. We should be careful and prepared.
Herbert Griessig lives in Berlin and writes commentaries on sport and policy issues.
Photo: Protest in Athens against austerity measures. | Petros Giannakouris/AP