
  • Trumka to Netroots Nation: Keep telling the truth

    Trumka to Netroots Nation: Keep telling the truth

    August 17, 2009 By Seth Michaels

    One of the highlights of Netroots Nation was last night’s stirring keynote address by AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka, who delivered a call to action to the netroots.

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  • Thompson picks up endorsement of powerful NYC union

    Thompson picks up endorsement of powerful NYC union

    August 15, 2009

    NEW YORK — In a development with big implications for New York’s mayoral race, AFSCME District Council 37 Executive Director Lillian Roberts announced the union’s decision to endorse Democrat Bill Thompson for mayor. The announcement came...

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  • Labor seeks help from civil rights group

    Labor seeks help from civil rights group

    August 15, 2009

    Richard Trumka, secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO, is urging the NAACP to help the labor movement organize workers – particularly African Americans – after the expected passage this year of the Employee Free Choice Act. In his...

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  • ‘The biggest fight between labor and capital since 1947’

    ‘The biggest fight between labor and capital since 1947’

    August 14, 2009

    PITTSBURGH - 'We are on the verge of passing the most important piece of legislation in 75 years - the Employee Free Choice Act,' AFL-CIO director of organizing Stewart Acuff told a packed panel discussion here...

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  • Labor and bloggers join forces at Netroots Nation

    Labor and bloggers join forces at Netroots Nation

    August 14, 2009

    PITTSBURGH, Pa. - 'We are using technology to go beyond our traditional organizing efforts,' Eric Russell, from the United Steelworkers union (USW) communications department, told workshop attendees here at the Netroots Nation conference August 13. 'We're...

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