
  • Unions go global to tell truth on British health service

    Unions go global to tell truth on British health service

    August 20, 2009 By Tom Mellen

    A three-million strong global union has launched a campaign to counter lies being spread by some opponents of the White House's health reform plans. US rightwingers assert that US President Barack Obama's drive to guarantee affordable...

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  • Public option non-negotiable, says top labor leader

    Public option non-negotiable, says top labor leader

    August 20, 2009

    If Senate and House members vote against a public health insurance option they will lose the support of organized labor in the next elections, said AFL-CIO Secretary –Treasurer Richard Trumka on national television last night. Trumka...

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  • British National Health Service – The Truth!

    British National Health Service – The Truth!

    August 19, 2009

    Opponents to President Obama’s health care reform plan have circulated a number of serious lies and gross distortions about the UK’s National Health Service to defend their own interests and scupper plans that will help the...

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  • Texas labor takes back Town Hall forums

    Texas labor takes back Town Hall forums

    August 19, 2009

    The AFL-CIO reports that pro-reform activists are overcoming the extreme tactics employed by the health insurance industry during this August congressional recess. In North Texas, after initially being taken aback by shrill shouting tactics and threats...

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  • Long Island City factory accused of being sweatshop

    Long Island City factory accused of being sweatshop

    August 18, 2009

    Original source: A clothing factory in Long Island City is being charged with operating as a sweatshop by workers. According to the New York Daily News, workers for Great Wall Corporation have been rallying outside of...

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