
  • Union leaders meet with Obama

    Union leaders meet with Obama

    July 14, 2009

    Union presidents are meeting with President Obama in the White House today where they are discussing the urgent need for health care reform with a public option, according to Gregory King, special assistant to Gerald McEntee,...

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  • Razorbacks rally for Employee Free Choice

    Razorbacks rally for Employee Free Choice

    July 14, 2009 By James Thompson

    LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — I just happened to be visiting my cousins in Arkansas when I got word of a rally in Little Rock to support the Employee Free Choice Act. I rushed up to Central...

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  • ‘No justice, no pizza!’ protestors tell Pizza Hut

    ‘No justice, no pizza!’ protestors tell Pizza Hut

    July 12, 2009 By John Bachtell

    CHICAGO -- “I have spent my whole life – since I was 17 years old – working at Pizza Hut. Instead of respecting my hard work, Pizza Hut has thrown me on the street with nothing,”...

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  • Dont mourn, organize!

    Dont mourn, organize!

    July 11, 2009

    News Analysis The famous Joe Hill quote, “Don’t mourn, organize!” is being taken to heart, it seems, on a regular basis these days. Three things happened in the last few months that were not so good....

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  • He taketh from the mine owners and he giveth to the miners

    He taketh from the mine owners and he giveth to the miners

    July 11, 2009

    For the eight long years of the Bush administration the government’s Mine, Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) was run by representatives of the people who own the mines. On a full time basis a man named...

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