
  • Making it harder to shut down plants

    Making it harder to shut down plants

    July 11, 2009

    A bipartisan group of legislators has introduced a bill to make it tougher for companies to pull the rug out from under workers by shutting down plants. They say that the country’s 21-year- old plant closing...

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  • The 60th Senator puts workers first

    The 60th Senator puts workers first

    July 11, 2009

    On his first day in office, July 7, Minnesota’s new Democratic senator, Al Franken, showed whose side he is on. He signed on to his first bill, the Employee Free Choice Act and, in so doing,...

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  • Quad City workers fight for owed benefits

    Quad City workers fight for owed benefits

    July 9, 2009

    Workers in Moline, Ill., filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) July 7 against their employer Quad City Die Casting because the company says Wells Fargo is not approving expenditures to pay for the...

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  • Faulty signal system may be source of DC Metro crash

    Faulty signal system may be source of DC Metro crash

    July 8, 2009

    The National Transportation Safety Board has not yet finished its investigation of the crash on the DC Metro which killed 9 people on June 22. But the outlines of a possible explanation are emerging. The crash...

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  • Haitian and Dominican workers build solidarity

    Haitian and Dominican workers build solidarity

    July 7, 2009

    Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic — A delegation of Haitian unionists met in Santo Domingo July 1-2 with unionists from the informal sector of the working people of the Dominican Republic. The encounter was held at the...

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