
  • Reps cite criminal cover-up in deadly Utah mine blasts

    Reps cite criminal cover-up in deadly Utah mine blasts

    May 13, 2008

    WASHINGTON--Top company officials at the Crandall Canyon Mine in Huntington, Utah, where nine miners perished in August 2007, concealed facts that would have prevented the deaths and should be criminally charged, according to a Congressional report...

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  • Protect Social Security customer service

    Protect Social Security customer service

    May 10, 2008

    Workers’ CorrespondenceWe thought the push to privatize Social Security was dead. Failing to privatize Social Security, the administration has slashed the agency’s budget. These tactics ensure that the next time we have to fight to save...

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  • Reclaiming May Day: Marching together for all workers

    Reclaiming May Day: Marching together for all workers

    May 10, 2008

    U.S. workers are reclaiming May Day, which they initiated over 120 years ago, and are giving the day new meaning in the drive to end the war and occupation in Iraq. Reflecting the holiday’s origins when...

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  • This week in labor

    This week in labor

    April 19, 2008

    Unions abroad boost workers here The Communications Workers of America and Germany’s biggest union have established a jointly run trans-Atlantic group, called T Union, to organize and represent T-Mobile workers. Although T-Mobile is aggressively anti-union, its...

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  • Penn. labor calls for election unity

    Penn. labor calls for election unity

    April 11, 2008 By Ben Sears

    PHILADELPHIA — Unity was the watchword at last week’s Pennsylvania state AFL-CIO biennial convention, as the 721 delegates cheered calls for a united effort to put a Democrat in the White House and to defeat John...

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