
  • Week of action unites students, workers

    Week of action unites students, workers

    April 11, 2008

    Imagine a world where everyone who chooses to can go to college. Picture a world where workers on school campuses and in communities have a voice about their working conditions and where the fruits and vegetables...

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  • Im in a world of hurt

    Im in a world of hurt

    April 11, 2008

    Shawn Boone did not die instantly five years ago at the Hayes Lemmerz plant in Huntington, Ind. He was lying on the floor, his body smoldering, as the aluminum dust burned through his flesh and then...

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  • THIS WEEK IN LABOR: March 29

    THIS WEEK IN LABOR: March 29

    March 28, 2008

    Modern-day slavery Modern-day slavery in the Pascagoula, Miss., shipyards has drawn protests from the International Trade Union Confederation. The ITUC, to which the AFL-CIO belongs, demanded March 18 that the U.S. take action on behalf of...

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  • Parents, teachers and students unite to fight cuts

    Parents, teachers and students unite to fight cuts

    March 28, 2008

    New York — Parents, students, teachers and administrators rallied at City Hall March 20 to protest state and city budget cuts to schools. Despite a driving rain, over 10,000 people turned out for the rally called...

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  • Labor backs call by medical students for universal health care

    Labor backs call by medical students for universal health care

    March 28, 2008 By James Thompson

    HOUSTON — About 1,000 medical students and their supporters rallied here at city hall March 14 to demand healthcare for all. The event was organized by the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) as part of its...

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