
  • Bulgarian teachers strike for wage hike

    Bulgarian teachers strike for wage hike

    October 19, 2007

    Bulgarian teachers began a nationwide strike late last month, calling for higher wages and increased spending on education. With an average salary of $320 a month, Bulgarian educators are among the lowest paid in Europe. Many...

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  • Germans grapple with train strike, jobless pay

    Germans grapple with train strike, jobless pay

    October 19, 2007

    BERLIN — Among the issues grabbing the headlines in Germany these days are a big train strike and Social Democratic Party infighting over jobless insurance. On Oct. 12, suburban and municipal railway workers in the big...

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  • Unions, rights groups praise no-match ruling

    Unions, rights groups praise no-match ruling

    October 19, 2007

    Unions and immigrant rights organizations praised a federal judge’s Oct. 10 decision barring the Social Security Administration from using “no-match” letters to force employers to fire workers who cannot quickly clear up discrepancies. At the same...

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  • U.S. govt, bosses use racial profiling

    U.S. govt, bosses use racial profiling

    October 12, 2007

    Fernando Rodriquez, director of Local 7 of the United Food and Commercial Workers union in Colorado, took time out from the Congreso Latino meeting in Los Angeles last week (see story, page 3) to tell the...

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  • Auto pact: the good, the bad and the ugly

    Auto pact: the good, the bad and the ugly

    October 12, 2007

    The wages and working conditions of union autoworkers have always set standards for all manufacturing. These in turn have put upward pressure on wages and benefits for all workers. But in today’s political and economic climate,...

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