
  • Autoworkers: Round 2

    Autoworkers: Round 2

    October 12, 2007

    Chrysler, UAW agree on tentative pact DETROIT — About 43,000 autoworkers streamed out of their workplaces Oct. 10 at Chrysler plants across the nation, launching a second nationwide auto strike within a two-week period, but this...

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  • Judge halts no-match letters

    Judge halts no-match letters

    October 12, 2007

    On immigrant issue, unions win again in court battle vs. Bush By Mark Gruenberg SAN FRANCISCO (PAI) — Unions, led by the AFL-CIO and the Service Employees, and joined by allies ranging from the ACLU to...

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  • Report shows worldwide war on labor

    Report shows worldwide war on labor

    October 5, 2007

    In Guatemala, masked men shot and killed Marco Tulio Ramirez on Sept. 23 outside his home. Ramirez was secretary of culture and sports for the Guatemalan Banana Workers Union. Soldiers had ransacked the union’s headquarters in...

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  • Joining the middle class in 2007

    Joining the middle class in 2007

    October 5, 2007

    The United Food and Commercial Workers union, negotiating for thousands of grocery workers in Southern California, won a stunning victory in July, approving a new union contract that reversed the unfair two-tiered system they had been...

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  • Mad Moneys anti-union tantrum makes me mad

    Mad Moneys anti-union tantrum makes me mad

    October 5, 2007

    The end of the historic strike against General Motors by the nation’s autoworkers may well signal the beginning of a fight by all workers against a new level of the corporate offensive against our jobs, our...

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