
  • Housing bubble threatening to burst

    Housing bubble threatening to burst

    July 14, 2006

    Fed fights inflation by increasing unemployment and lowering wagesEveryone recognizes that the U.S. economy is slowing, but the question is, how bad will it get? One disturbing sign is that the Federal Reserve is raising interest...

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  • Rockford UAW activists get political

    Rockford UAW activists get political

    July 14, 2006

    Workers’ Correspondence Jobs Campaign activists met with UAW-endorsed congressional candidate Richard Auman at our weekly meeting June 5. The Jobs Campaign began 16 months ago when still-working, laid-off and retired UAW rank-and-filers first gathered at our...

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  • Teachers flunk Bush school law

    Teachers flunk Bush school law

    July 14, 2006

    Saying its members believe George W. Bush’s school-funding legislation, the No Child Left Behind Act, gets “a failing grade,” the National Education Association voted July 4 to lobby for a comprehensive rewrite of the statute next...

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  • Peace activists: No war on North Korea

    Peace activists: No war on North Korea

    July 14, 2006

    WASHINGTON — Peace advocates demanded last week that the Bush administration end its war of nerves against North Korea and open direct peace talks with its government aimed at normalizing relations, promoting disarmament and ending the...

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  • Attack on Gazas population condemned worldwide

    Attack on Gazas population condemned worldwide

    July 14, 2006

    ATHENS, Greece — The Israeli attack on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which began on June 27, has provoked worldwide condemnation. Protest rallies and mass mobilizations were organized on all continents within hours of the attack....

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