
  • Bush retreat fails to silence demand: Close Guantanamo!

    Bush retreat fails to silence demand: Close Guantanamo!

    July 14, 2006

    WASHINGTON — Fighters for justice and peace greeted a Pentagon memo saying that 1,000 or more detainees at secret U.S. military prisons around the world are protected by the Geneva Conventions. They called for the closing...

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  • Rape, killings of Iraqis called tip of the iceberg

    Rape, killings of Iraqis called tip of the iceberg

    July 14, 2006 By Susan Webb

    Former Army Pfc. Steven Green was arrested this month and charged with raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and murdering her, her parents and her 5-year-old sister on March 12 in Mahmudiyah, Iraq.

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  • Connecticut AFL-CIO aims to change America

    Connecticut AFL-CIO aims to change America

    July 14, 2006

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. — “Yes, they’re waging class war and it’s time we wage it back!” declared AFL-CIO Director of Organizing Stewart Acuff to prolonged applause, challenging the Bush administration and corporate interests at the Connecticut...

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  • Demand rises for recount in Mexico

    Demand rises for recount in Mexico

    July 14, 2006

    MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s Federal Electoral Institute has declared Felipe Calderon of the National Action Party (PAN) winner of the July 2 presidential election by the narrowest of margins. However, evidence is mounting that the election...

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  • Nurses take to streets for union, patient rights

    Nurses take to streets for union, patient rights

    July 14, 2006

    Bush labor board poised to deny union rights to millions of workersOAKLAND, Calif. — More than 700 nurses and their supporters gathered in downtown Oakland July 11 to protest a forthcoming National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)...

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