
  • Washington Post Questions Legitimacy of Hugo Chavez

    Washington Post Questions Legitimacy of Hugo Chavez

    July 8, 2006 By Venezuela Information Office

    The Washington Post ran a misleading Editorial June 28 arguing that Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez may not be a “legitimate democratic politician.” After countless elections and a recall referendum, the fact that this debate is still...

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  • Another unprecedented victory for IFCO/Pastors for Peace!

    Another unprecedented victory for IFCO/Pastors for Peace!

    July 7, 2006

    Aid caravan crosses US border without incident, pastors for peace calls for transition government in US. We are writing this press release from the Customs dock in Reynosa, Mexico, having successfully passed across the US border...

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  • Tell Congress to Stop the War on Birth Control

    Tell Congress to Stop the War on Birth Control

    July 7, 2006

    Birth control. It’s used by 98 percent of American women. It’s healthy, safe, and effective. It reduces the number of abortions. It’s basic health care. We can all agree on that much, right? Apparently not. Leaders...

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  • American Indian mascots harm students

    American Indian mascots harm students

    July 7, 2006

    A University of North Dakota survey using the strict guidelines of the Institutional Review Board shows that the university’s Fighting Sioux team name and logo has real effects on students. Sparked by the controversy at UND,...

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    July 7, 2006

    He’s no George Bush! Re: “An Inconvenient Truth” (PWW 6/10-16). In a dark auditorium with remote in hand, open collar and pudgy-faced, Al Gore explains that the sun’s heat gets trapped in the earth’s atmosphere, which...

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