
  • Protesters to Bush, Talent: Show us the raise!

    Protesters to Bush, Talent: Show us the raise!

    July 7, 2006

    ST. LOUIS — Over 600 trade unionists, community activists, peace activists and students protested President Bush’s visit here June 28. Bush was in town for a $2,000-a-plate fund-raiser for right-wing Missouri Sen. Jim Talent, who faces...

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  • CPUSA condemns Israeli assault on Gaza

    CPUSA condemns Israeli assault on Gaza

    July 7, 2006

    The following statement was released by the national board of the Communist Party USA on July 5. The Communist Party USA strongly condemns the latest acts of aggression by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people....

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  • High court overrules tribunals

    High court overrules tribunals

    July 7, 2006

    WASHINGTON — Defenders of civil liberties hailed the Supreme Court’s 5-3 decision July 1 that President Bush has no authority to try thousands of detainees in military tribunals at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay,...

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  • Peace grannies rejected for duty in Iraq

    Peace grannies rejected for duty in Iraq

    July 7, 2006

    Arrested while insisting to recruiters, ‘Take us, not our grandkids’PHILADELPHIA — As other grannies and their supporters sang peace songs, spoke out against the war and displayed their colorful banners and signs outside a U.S. Armed...

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  • CPUSA condemns Israeli assault on Gaza Strip

    CPUSA condemns Israeli assault on Gaza Strip

    July 4, 2006

    The following statement was released by the national board of the Communist Party USA on July 5. The Communist Party USA strongly condemns the latest acts of aggression by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people....

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