
  • Torturing national parks

    Torturing national parks

    June 9, 2006

    Whenever an administration comes to power that possesses a philosophy totally at odds with an agency’s purpose, mission and traditions, you can expect fireworks. Since January 2001, the Interior Department has been transformed from a department...

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  • Who is Dick DeVos?

    Who is Dick DeVos?

    June 9, 2006

    Dick DeVos is the presumed Republican candidate for governor in Michigan, and he has a lot to hide. To win the Republican nomination, he has spent millions of his personal fortune on a glitzy television attack...

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  • USA Today calls retiree benefits monster

    USA Today calls retiree benefits monster

    June 9, 2006

    The lead headline in “McNewspaper” (USA Today) for May 25 referred to retiree benefits as a “monster.” The article goes on to compile gross statistics on the total amount of retiree benefits compiled by American workers...

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  • Empty boots and baby shoes

    Empty boots and baby shoes

    June 9, 2006

    In the wake of the rising tide of allegations claiming that U.S. forces executed a sort of vigilante justice by staging murderous attacks on Iraqi civilians, General Chiarelli, second in command in Iraq, stated his belief...

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    June 9, 2006

    Philly vigil In response to Tim Wheeler’s article, May 27, with a theme of “Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home” (PWW 5/27-6/2): Since Dec. 7 (Pearl Harbor Day) people have gathered in front of the Unitarian...

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