
  • EU negotiator presents new proposals to Iran

    EU negotiator presents new proposals to Iran

    June 9, 2006

    Moving to break the stalemate over Iran’s nuclear program, European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana met in Tehran June 6 with top Iranian officials to present new proposals agreed on last week by the U.S.,...

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  • Massachusetts gubernatorial race heats up

    Massachusetts gubernatorial race heats up

    June 9, 2006

    WORCESTER, Mass. — Massachusetts may be well on its way to getting its first African American governor after the state Democratic Party convention endorsed Deval Patrick, with 58 percent of the delegates’ votes, on June 3....

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  • Pro-labor candidate to oppose Schwarzenegger

    Pro-labor candidate to oppose Schwarzenegger

    June 9, 2006

    Labor and progressive forces scored significant victories and mounted important challenges in California’s June 6 primary election. A strong grassroots campaign by labor and its allies was the biggest factor in State Treasurer Phil Angelides’ 48-43...

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  • Minimum wage to loom large in Ohio vote

    Minimum wage to loom large in Ohio vote

    June 9, 2006

    A variety of progressive, issue-oriented forces are at work in the Ohio elections, trying to build a political movement capable of ousting the ultra-right from control of state government in November. Industrial unions, for example, are...

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  • Right to organize gains ground in Congress

    Right to organize gains ground in Congress

    June 9, 2006

    Fifty-seven million Americans say they’d join a union if they had a chance. And due to a hard-fought, close to the ground campaign, legislation to give them that right is now within striking distance of victory....

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