
  • Playing Dangerous Games with National Interests and Patriotic Sentiment

    Playing Dangerous Games with National Interests and Patriotic Sentiment

    April 18, 2006

    The events of recent days once again put the nuclear plans of Iran on the headlines of world media. Ahmadi Nejad’s announcement that Iran has successfully enriched uranium and completed the production cycle of nuclear fuel,...

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  • Illinois peace and justice coalition gets to work

    Illinois peace and justice coalition gets to work

    April 14, 2006

    CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Nearly 150 delegates from about 80 organizations, half of them from outside the Chicago metro area, met here April 1 to found the Illinois Coalition for Peace and Justice. “We’re united here today...

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  • We thought it was oil, But it was blood

    We thought it was oil, But it was blood

    April 14, 2006

    The other day We danced in the street Joy in our hearts We thought we were free Three young folks fell to our right Countless more fell to our left Looking up, Far from the crowd...

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  • Was Barry Bonds targeted?

    Was Barry Bonds targeted?

    April 14, 2006

    Of all the bulked-up major league baseball players suspected of using steroids in the mid-to-late 1990s, how is it that Barry Bonds, baseball’s pre-eminent Black player, came to be Target No. 1 of federal investigators? Is...

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  • Womens inequality makes capitalists rich

    Womens inequality makes capitalists rich

    April 14, 2006

    This article is from a talk given at a Women’s History Month event on the fight against male supremacy, held March 9 at Unity Center in Chicago. Another presentation at the event, “Male supremacy is not...

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