
  • Not this time  rape, race and class at Duke

    Not this time rape, race and class at Duke

    April 14, 2006

    The great unspoken now has public voice. Women rarely report sexual assault, rape. When the victim is African American, the silence is deafening. That is about to change. ESPN and CBS put the Duke University lacrosse...

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    April 14, 2006

    Fraud & insurance companies Worker compensation insurance companies charge high premiums and do not want to take care of a truly injured worker. They would rather pay out tens of thousands of dollars to attorneys to...

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  • EDITORIAL: Waving the flag

    EDITORIAL: Waving the flag

    April 14, 2006

    With the sea of American flags waving at the Washington Monument and in the streets of towns and cities across our country, immigrant rights marchers are reclaiming the flag as a symbol of liberty, democracy and...

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  • EDITORIAL: April 29: Street heat for peace & democracy

    EDITORIAL: April 29: Street heat for peace & democracy

    April 14, 2006

    Today two great issues — immigrant rights and ending the U.S. war and occupation in Iraq — are intertwined with every other issue the people of our country face. The tremendous upsurge for immigrant rights, with...

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  • Iraqi women fight for their future amidst new kind of war

    Iraqi women fight for their future amidst new kind of war

    April 14, 2006 By Susan Webb

    When I telephoned Huda Al-Jazairy in Baghdad exactly two years ago, a bomb had fallen 12 feet from her house. At that time, she told me, “There is no security.” But as bad as it was...

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