
  • Venezuelan NGO takes US money, faces trial

    Venezuelan NGO takes US money, faces trial

    July 28, 2005

    Venezuelan judge Normal Sandoval ruled July 7 that four members of the Venezuelan NGO Sumate would be facing trial on at least two charges. Under Article 132 of Venezuela’s Penal Code they will be charged with...

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  • Private bid threatens Texas social services

    Private bid threatens Texas social services

    July 22, 2005

    Commentary SAN ANTONIO — The Texas Legislature passed HB 2292 in 2003, which, 150 amendments later, threatens to destroy vital health and human services such as food stamps, Medicaid and help for the elderly. The bill’s...

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  • Letters


    July 22, 2005

    Lunchroom talk The lunchroom at work is often the site of great discussions. Though it is not a daily topic, choice and the right to an abortion is not an infrequent topic among women. In my...

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  • Editorial: Solidarity makes us strong

    Editorial: Solidarity makes us strong

    July 22, 2005

    As our nation’s labor movement convenes in Chicago, the crisis facing working families is in sharp relief. With Kodak axing 10,000 jobs, GM cleaving 25,000 families from paychecks, another 14,000 receiving pink slips from Hewlett-Packard and...

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  • Editorial: Criminals at large

    Editorial: Criminals at large

    July 22, 2005

    Our page 3 story highlights the longstanding slimy, criminal tactics of Bush-Cheney mastermind Karl Rove. It points out how Rove’s lying, cheating, backstabbing methods, dating back to the Nixon days, helped the ultra-right seize the pinnacles...

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