
  • Labor Update

    Labor Update

    July 22, 2005

    Tune in to AFL-CIO convention Even if you’re not in town, you can tune in via the web to the AFL-CIO convention, which runs July 25-28 in Chicago. An Internet alert from the Working Families e-Activist...

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  • Letters


    July 15, 2005

    Bring troops home now As I go knocking door-to-door talking about public education issues, including military recruitment in the schools, I meet a lot of parents that have sons or daughters in Afghanistan or Iraq. They...

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  • Labor Update

    Labor Update

    July 15, 2005

    CP convention endorses Employee Free Choice Act CHICAGO — Delegates to the Communist Party’s 28th Convention, held here over the Fourth of July weekend, voted unanimously with a storm of applause to endorse the Employee Free...

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  • Hurricane Dennis lashes Cuba

    Hurricane Dennis lashes Cuba

    July 15, 2005

    July hurricanes are rare — Cuba has faced only three in the past 205 years. Dennis hit Cuba July 8 along the island’s southern coast, with rains up to 30 inches in some places and winds...

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  • Moral pharmacists

    Moral pharmacists

    July 10, 2005

    In the year 2005, it’s outrageous to see women’s reproductive freedom would be in such grave danger. With a Supreme Court resignation and Republicans threatening to use the “nuclear option” to railroad extremist judicial nominees through...

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