


    December 2, 2005

    Ireland: Ferry workers protest A ferry workers’ protest over hiring of lower-paid replacement crews from Eastern Europe has taken on national dimensions, with Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern soundly criticizing the company, and the ferry workers’...

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  • Gulf Coast Update

    Gulf Coast Update

    December 2, 2005

    “Just as the government failed to get folks out and people were left to die, they are failing right now to give survivors decent shelter and an opportunity to return,” said William Quigley, law professor at...

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  • AFL-CIO clears way for solidarity charters

    AFL-CIO clears way for solidarity charters

    December 2, 2005

    WASHINGTON — Some details remain to be settled, but the AFL-CIO announced Nov. 16 that it will begin issuing “solidarity charters” to locals whose international unions recently disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO and joined the Change to...

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  • Human costs of Clevelands school cuts

    Human costs of Clevelands school cuts

    December 2, 2005

    The following interview with a Cleveland teacher was conducted on Oct. 31. The teacher’s name was changed at her request. “Oh, I see you have no life either!” With that grim joke, Cleveland teachers greet each...

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    December 2, 2005

    S. CHARLESTON, W.Va.: City says ‘bring troops home now’ Mayor Richie Robb, a Republican and decorated Vietnam veteran, sat down and wrote a three-page resolution demanding that the troops be brought out of Iraq — now....

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