
  • Officials challenge Wal-Mart on child labor

    Officials challenge Wal-Mart on child labor

    March 11, 2005

    HARTFORD, Conn. — Anger was evident at the state Capitol here recently over revelations of a secret deal between Wal-Mart and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to cover up child labor law violations. The charges...

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  • Another grim marker reached in Iraq

    Another grim marker reached in Iraq

    March 11, 2005

    The death toll in Iraq continues to grow. Associated Press announced March 3 that American deaths had reached the 1,500 mark when a soldier was killed in action south of Baghdad. The number of Iraqi civilians...

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  • Millions mourn Chilean heroine

    Millions mourn Chilean heroine

    March 11, 2005

    Thousands of Chileans poured into the streets to pay tribute to Chile’s fiery Communist leader, Gladys Marin, who died March 6 at age 63 after a long battle with brain cancer. Crowds estimated at half a...

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    March 4, 2005

    Asbestos victims and ‘tort reform’ I have just read your article concerning frivolous lawsuits (“Tort reform means victims can’t sue,” PWW 2/26-3/4). My husband passed away from lung cancer, related to asbestos exposure, and I don’t...

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  • Honor voting rights martyrs with deeds

    Honor voting rights martyrs with deeds

    March 4, 2005 By Tim Wheeler

    Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner. The names of the three civil rights martyrs still ring like a bell four decades after they disappeared in Neshoba County, Mississippi, June 21, 1964. Their deaths, together with the violence inflicted...

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