
  • Social Security, organizing head labor agenda

    Social Security, organizing head labor agenda

    March 4, 2005

    LAS VEGAS — A campaign to defend Social Security, patterned after labor’s massive 2004 election mobilization, was formulated at the annual winter AFL-CIO Executive Council meeting here Feb. 28–March 3. The campaign plan includes strong media...

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  • GOP slime machine targets AARP

    GOP slime machine targets AARP

    March 4, 2005

    WASHINGTON — Defenders of Social Security angrily demanded that President George W. Bush disavow a right-wing attack ad that targets the AARP, the nation’s largest organization for people 50 and older, for its opposition to Bush’s...

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    February 25, 2005

    Negroponte’s history a horror It is difficult to express the degree of revulsion, contempt, and moral horror that I experience with the nomination of John Negroponte to be director of national intelligence. But I feel that...

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  • Poisons at Cintas laundry

    Poisons at Cintas laundry

    February 25, 2005

    Commentary NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Workers at the Cintas plant in Branford, Conn., and across the country are taking their lead from co-workers in Long Island, N.Y., who are standing up for their health and safety...

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    February 25, 2005

    ST. LOUIS: Coalition forms to rescue health care Over 200 residents joined members of the clergy and elected officials Feb. 20 to kick off a campaign to salvage health care for 89,000 people set to be...

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