
  • Unjust, unfair and un-American

    Unjust, unfair and un-American

    February 18, 2005

    Fight erupts to defend kids from Bush budget cuts WASHINGTON — “Unjust, unfair and un-American.” That’s how the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) describes President George W. Bush’s $2.57 trillion budget. “It provides the wealthiest Americans with...

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    February 11, 2005

      Another side to story I am writing this to Carolyn Rummel in response to her People’s Culture article in the 1/15-21 PWW titled “Compelling film spotlights rape injustice.” I appreciate the People’s Culture section of...

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  • Youth camp sets tone at Brazil forum

    Youth camp sets tone at Brazil forum

    February 11, 2005

    PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil — Anyone attending the fifth World Social Forum here couldn’t miss it. Situated right in the middle of the “World Social Territory,” a vast swath of land alongside Guaiba Lake that was home...

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    February 11, 2005

    MIAMI: Protests in the land of Jeb Bush Around the country, Americans used the Bush inaugural to demand peace in Iraq, beginning with the withdrawal of U.S. troops. Large protests occurred in the South, with New...

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  • Chiles privatized pensions spell worker hardship

    Chiles privatized pensions spell worker hardship

    February 11, 2005

    NewsAnalysis As the Bush administration pushes to privatize Social Security, many people are looking at countries where state-funded pensions have been privatized. One of them is Chile. President Bush lauded Chile’s privatized social security system as...

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