
  • 40 years after Selma’s Bloody Sunday

    40 years after Selma’s Bloody Sunday

    January 14, 2005 By Tim Wheeler

    The struggle for voting rights continues Reps. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Ohio), John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) defended the legacy of martyrs who died for voting rights when they blocked, for a few hours,...

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  • Panamanians rally on anniversary of U.S. invasion

    Panamanians rally on anniversary of U.S. invasion

    January 14, 2005

    PANAMA CITY, Panama — Hundreds of Panamanians rallied here on Dec. 20 to observe the 15th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of their country and to express their growing concern about the Pentagon’s increased activity in...

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  • Abbas elected head of Palestinian Authority

    Abbas elected head of Palestinian Authority

    January 14, 2005

    As had been widely expected, Mahmoud Abbas won the election for the presidency of the Palestinian Authority on Jan. 9, filling the vacancy left by Yasser Arafat’s death in early November. “We offer this victory to...

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    January 14, 2005

    JONESBORO, Ga.: New sheriff cleans house In November, voters in this rural county near Atlanta elected former state representative and police officer Victor Hill, 39, as sheriff. Hill is the first African American to lead the...

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  • Vindicator strikers fight company takeaways

    Vindicator strikers fight company takeaways

    January 14, 2005

    YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Over 170 employees of The Vindicator newspaper remain on strike here as the walkout heads into its third month. The workers, members of Local 11 of The Newspaper Guild (CWA 34011), are fighting...

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