
  • Peace groups assail Gonzales on torture

    Peace groups assail Gonzales on torture

    January 21, 2005

    WASHINGTON — With the slogan, “Torture is not an American value,” peace groups conducted a “call-in” to senators’ offices Jan. 18, urging them to reject Alberto R. Gonzales as unfit for the post of U.S. attorney...

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  • King Day events call for peace, equality

    King Day events call for peace, equality

    January 21, 2005

    LOS ANGELES — Inspired by the example of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., tens of thousands in California, Texas, and across the nation marched and rallied, calling for peace, social justice, and workers’ rights. Thousands of...

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  • Groups charge Bush is lying: Social Security crisis is phony

    Groups charge Bush is lying: Social Security crisis is phony

    January 21, 2005

    Huge coalition moves to stop privatization “Social Security ain’t broke and Wall Street won’t fix it!” shouted hundreds of marchers in front of the Stock Exchange, Chamber of Commerce and Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office in San...

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  • Privatizing Social Security will hurt women

    Privatizing Social Security will hurt women

    January 14, 2005

    OPINIONThese remarks were delivered at a joint press conference at the National Press Club, Dec. 16, 2004, with leaders of the AFL-CIO, NAACP and others. It’s a pleasure to be here as part of such a...

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    January 14, 2005

    Don’t yield an inch The following is from an action letter from Working Families e-Activist Network. President George W. Bush, his Republican allies in Congress and corporate chiefs are on an ideological trophy hunt to destroy...

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