
  • Editorials


    September 24, 2004

    Electoral College belongs on history’s ash heap As the Nov. 2 election nears, the possibility looms once again that the popular vote winner will not become president because he lacks an Electoral College majority. Democrat Al...

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  • The Republican campaign to suppress the Black vote

    The Republican campaign to suppress the Black vote

    September 24, 2004 By Jarvis Tyner

    The African American people from slavery to today have had to wage a hard, bitter and bloody struggle for the right to vote. The right to vote, therefore, is sacred; it is a basic part of...

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  • Haymarket landmark finally established

    Haymarket landmark finally established

    September 24, 2004

    CHICAGO — The Teamsters trucked it up from downstate. The Chicago Federation of Labor had lobbied for the funding from the state of Illinois. The Illinois Labor History Society campaigned tirelessly for it.

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  • Public workers hit the streets in S. Africa

    Public workers hit the streets in S. Africa

    September 24, 2004

    Hundreds of thousands of South African public workers held a one-day strike Sept. 16 over the government’s rejection of their demands for a 7 percent wage hike, an across-the-boards medical aid and housing allowance, and review...

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  • U.S. sets its sights on Vietnam once again

    U.S. sets its sights on Vietnam once again

    September 24, 2004

    Earlier this summer, on July 19, the House of Representatives passed HR 1587, the “Vietnam Human Rights Act,” by 322 votes to 45. The bill seeks to limit non-humanitarian assistance to Vietnam, to provide extra funding...

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