
  • East German vote shows mounting anger

    East German vote shows mounting anger

    September 24, 2004

    BERLIN — The Sept. 19 elections in two East German states dealt heavy losses to the country’s two major parties, with electoral gains for the left and, disturbingly, the extreme right. The voting was fueled by...

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  • Bushs war plunges Iraq deeper into crisis

    Bushs war plunges Iraq deeper into crisis

    September 24, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Democratic presidential contender John Kerry captured what many Americans — including an unprecedented array of military commanders and leading Republicans — are saying about Iraq, when he charged that George W. Bush has created “a chaos...

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  • Peltiers lawyers seek hidden FBI files

    Peltiers lawyers seek hidden FBI files

    September 24, 2004

    BUFFALO, N.Y. — An attorney for imprisoned Native American Indian activist Leonard Peltier accused the government Sept. 13 of withholding documents in the case to cover up its own misconduct 30 years ago. Michael Kuzma asked...

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  • Kerry vs. Bush. Think theyre the same? Think again.

    Kerry vs. Bush. Think theyre the same? Think again.

    September 24, 2004

    On Sept. 30, the first debate will be held between George W. Bush and John F. Kerry. It will focus on foreign policy. Below are highlights some of the differences. On security: Kerry * Favors international...

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  • Soldiers grieving mom confronts Laura Bush

    Soldiers grieving mom confronts Laura Bush

    September 24, 2004

    Sue Niederer, mother of Seth Dvorin who died in Iraq last Feb. 3 when a bomb he was defusing exploded, took her campaign to end the Iraq war directly into the Bush-Cheney campaign Sept. 17. An...

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