
  • Letters


    September 10, 2004

    Watch your language I refer to your article in the Labor Update section of July 24-30, “Extremists vs. freedom to organize.” What makes me cringe is the term “group of radical right Republicans.” The New York...

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  • Editorials


    September 10, 2004

    End terrorism The horrific scenes of children being carried out of the Russian school in Beslan and the mangled buses in Beersheba, Israel, have sickened and outraged, once again, all peace- and justice-loving people the world...

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  • Panama releases 4 anti-Cuba terrorists

    Panama releases 4 anti-Cuba terrorists

    September 10, 2004

    On Aug. 26, Mireya Moscoso, not quite done with her term as president of Panama, pardoned four jailed terrorists. To the cheers and warm embraces of hundreds of like-minded Floridians, three well-known criminals returned home to...

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  • New York City labor slams Bush agenda

    New York City labor slams Bush agenda

    September 10, 2004

    NEW YORK — This city’s labor movement flexed its muscle outside the Republican National Convention Sept. 1 as some 50,000 protesters came out to oppose the Bush agenda — including the war in Iraq and the...

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  • Labor Day rally jams W.Va. country roads

    Labor Day rally jams W.Va. country roads

    September 10, 2004

    RACINE, W.Va. — It was a traffic jam the likes of which residents of rural southern West Virginia had never seen. Over 5,000 workers wound their way up a narrow road here to hear Democratic presidential...

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